

- allocate_memory
- free_memory
- load_texture

- Added all new set of entity functions to the LUA api
- get_all_vehicles
- get_all_pedds
- get_all_objects
- get_all_pickups
- get_all_entities
- handle_to_ptr

- Added the following classes (with their respective methods):
- entity_t
- entity_t:get_health
- entity_t:set_health
- entity_t:set_invincible
- entity_t:request_control
- entity_t:delete_entity
- entity_t: push_away_from
- entity_t:exists
- entity_t:is_touching
- entity_t:get_collision_normal
- entity_t:is_ped
- entity_t:is_vehicle
- entity_t:is_on_foot
- entity_t:is_visible
- entity_t:set_alpha
- entity_t:fade_in
- entity_t:fade_out
- entity_t:is_in_water
- entity_t:get_coords
- entity_t:set_coords
- entity_t:set_coords_keep_vehicle
- entity_t:get_heading
- entity_t:set_heading
- entity_t:get_rotation
- entity_t:set_rotation
- entity_t:get_entity_world_coords
- entity_t:set_velocity
- entity_t:set_max_speed
- entity_t:freeze_position
- entity_t:set_collision
- entity_t:max_mech
- entity_t:max_out
- entity_t:fully_downgrade
- entity_t:randomize
- entity_t:to_ped
- entity_t:to_vehicle
- entity_t:get_entity

- ped_t (inherits from entity_t)
- ped_t:get_nearby_peds
- ped_t:get_nearest_ped
- ped_t:clone
- ped_t:get_model
- ped_t:resurrect
- ped_t:is_in_vehicle
- ped_t:getting_in_vehicle
- ped_t:get_vehicle
- ped_t:set_into_vehicle
- ped_t:set_seatbelt
- ped_t:is_dead
- ped_t:is_aiming
- ped_t:is_shooting
- ped_t:is_player
- ped_t:draw_marker
- ped_t:get_zone
- ped_t:get_ammo
- ped_t:give_weapon (overloaded)
- ped_t:get_weapon
- ped_t:set_current_weapon
- ped_t:set_infinite_ammo
- ped_t:shoot_bullet_between_coords
- ped_t:shoot_at_coords
- ped_t:get_impact_coords
- ped_t:get_bone_coords
- ped_t:clear_tasks_immediately
- ped_t:ragdoll
- ped_t:action_crash
- ped_t:start_particle_fx_on_bone
- ped_t play_animation
- ped_t object_crash
- ped_t:get_ped
- ped_t:has_weapon_in_hand
- ped_t:get_weapon_in_hand

- vehicle_t (inherits from entity_t)
- vehicle_t:spawn_by_hash
- vehicle_t:get_vehicle
- vehicle_t:get_ped_in_seat
- vehicle_t:get_free_seat
- vehicle_t:get_model
- vehicle_t:apply_force (overloaded)
- vehicle_t:set_forward_speed
- vehicle_t:set_engine_power
- vehicle_t:set_engine_torque
- vehicle_t:set_gravity
- vehicle_t:drive_to
- vehicle_t:drive_to_kill
- vehicle_t:get_max_speed
- vehicle_t:get_speed
- vehicle_t:is_on_all_wheels
- vehicle_t:drive
- vehicle_t:repair
- vehicle_t:set_friction_override
- vehicle_t:set_on_ground
- vehicle_t:is_upright
- vehicle_t:set_dirtiness
- vehicle_t:burn_shell
- vehicle_t:anti_lock
- vehicle_t:empty
- vehicle_t:clone
- vehicle_t:flip
- vehicle_t:kickflip
- vehicle_t:smoke_cycle
- vehicle_t:rainbow_tick
- vehicle_t:engine_on
- vehicle_t:horn_boost
- vehicle_t:front_flip
- vehicle_t:back_flip
- vehicle_t:kick_flip
- vehicle_t:heel_flip
- vehicle_t:bunny_hop
- vehicle_t:set_invincible
- vehicle_t:set_invisibility
- vehicle_t:reduce_grip
- vehicle_t:get_id

- fixed an issue with discord rich presence
